The lesson continues working with tabular data (CSV) and examines how to graph the data in an HTML5 canvas with Chart.js.
Coding Challenges:
Intro to Programming:
Welcome to Working with Data and APIs in JavaScript!
This course is for aspiring developers who want to learn how to work with data in web applications. How do you retrieve, collect, and store data? The course will be taught through a series of creating three data projects.
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29 responses to “1.3: Graphing with Chart.js – Working With Data & APIs in JavaScript”
I owe you so much man
Please do something with scaling x is not possible with documentation provided
17:15 To the best of my knowledge, nobody denies there is "evidence" of the Earth rising temperatures. Rather, the debate is about THE EXTENT to which these raises in temperature are purely anthropogenic (ie. HUMAN made) or a combination of both NATURAL and man-made activities. There is no such thing as "climate change deniers". When this energetic, skillful but politically askew teacher runs the ".push(leftist-propaganda)" function into his videos, he takes away from the incredible value his content provides. Sad
Best teacher
I have a project coming up at work where I will be creating visualizations with Chart.js. This tutorial put me at ease and now I'm less stressed out about learning this new tool. Also, just wanted to say that your teaching style is so informative, easy to follow and engaging. It's helpful to watch you work through how you solve a coding problem and when you come across errors how you figure them out. Great tutorial! I'm looking forward to watching more of your videos.
you are amazing you helped me a lot
OMG you are amazing! Thank you so much!!!! Your videos on "Working With Data & APIs in JavaScript" have been a god send.
can anyone please tell me where i can get this code??
i love it super help full content
This is a great video, really helped me pick the concept fast. I was wondering if you can prepare some video where you can show timeseries data being aggregated from csv and display graph for a time period like , show graph for last 30 minutes or previous day something like that ?
Maybe removing the background colour could have worked instead of using fill !
When I reached where Dan reached at 2:30, it asked me to translate the page from German to English.
lemme ask you a thing: When you wrote the variable labels using const, why shouldn't you used let instead? Because const vars can't be mutate…
I'm new to this coding industry and your videos really enlightened my interest in this field. Really enjoy your work!
i cant figure out why does he thinks we need to see him and NOT the relevant info? beats me.
This has been a really entertaining and educative video to watch. Thank you!! I also like how you would actually refactor your codes near the end to make everything even more clean.
is there any link to this source code?
double data appears on console. Is it the chrom browser fault or what
We love you…love love love u….i love your energy…u can make boring things interesting… man this should be on Netflix!!! Love u dude…love the coding now cause of u
man the way he explains stuff makes me wanna watch more, wish you were by elder brother
Hi there, would you be interested in doing a video about using RGraph? It's another JavaScript charting library that's licensed using the MIT license and it uses both canvas and SVG. It supports lots of different chart types and is very easy to use. The URL is Cheers
Is there any video tutorial from you how to develop web that could show maps or google map…thanks
I dont see any point of this video. You need to show how the fetch function works … not play around like we already know it. waste of time …
Really loving your tutorial here. So much appreciated! You talked about trimming blank lines at the end of the csv file. Can you share the code for that?
All aboard! I'm on the coding train for life I love this dude.
Very good video, very helpful, Thanks
can you make a video to make the http request to API then generate the chart and front-end user can based on some button to generate the chart they want?
Hi .Its good that you have show about chart.js using csv file .can you show how to do it using external json file calling.I mean by calling json url link.please inform me
Very very well described video
Thank you so much