10 Photoshop Features Every Graphic Designer Should Know


In this lengthy Photoshop tutorial, we’ll skip over the very basics of things like working with the user interface of Photoshop, layers, selections with the marquee tools, undoing/redoing, fills, and things like that. We will talk about using the Text tool, editing blocks of type, layer masks and clipping masks, guides, rulers, snapping, auto aligning and spacing, vector graphics and shape building, the pen tool, smart objects, embedding graphics, linking graphics across multiple documents, smart/global colors, artboards, exporting pdfs, exporting multiple layers, exporting multiple versions of an image, exporting images for retina graphic (retina display or responsive design) projects, and more!

Written Photoshop tutorial: http://bit.ly/2kbqA9a

Pick up my image retouching tutorial package ($27) right here: http://tutvid.com/retouching-photos-photoshop/

00:43 The Text Tool and Character Panel
04:56 Must-Know Basics of Masks and Clipping Masks
10:39 The Essentials Guides, Rulers, and Snapping
13:26 Time-Saving Alignment and Automatic Spacing
16:39 Making Drawing Easy with Simple Vector Graphics & Live Shapes
19:58 The Almighty Pen Tool
24:39 Amazingness of Smart Objects
31:07 Cool Tricks of Placing Embedded and Linked Graphics
36:08 The Power of Artboards
41:22 Exporting Your Artwork with Export As…


👻 tutvid.com

Social Icons in outro: http://www.freepik.com/free-vector/six-social-networking-icons-with-infographic-resources_982300.htm


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50 responses to “10 Photoshop Features Every Graphic Designer Should Know”

  1. Hey, Thanks for the tutorial! Im currently about 10 minutes in, but im pretty sure that i gain a lot of efficiency because of this video. I usually do stuff manually and really taking quite a lot of time, but this is saving me more. Very helpful.

  2. Suggestion – you clearly know the material, as I stitch 22K medium pixel images together, up to 10 gigs per file, you are great background. But there is a but and a suggestion; you are among best of breed in the PS tutorial category.

    If you were to present at 80% of the current voice speed, or 75%, your communication would be more effective. Might help you build audience – IMHO the length of each piece being longer would not be a problem but then I am using multiple monitors and doing 8 hours projects on single files.

  3. may i give you a small tiny tip?! . that will be usefull for you and for us all !! well you need to find a way to have a bigger or highlighted mouse logo so people can still fucousing easier where the mouse is !:D
    and thanks a lot for all the tips

  4. You got it right at 3:40 it is the tracking, not kerning. Kerning is the drop down to the left. As a rule you shouldn't stretch text it just makes it wonky and ruins it's height to width ratio. Keep in mind a typographer took great pains to make that font balanced.

  5. One of my client told me that my work is not so polished. I was thing why did he say that…?
    But now I understand what thing i have to do to improve my skill… Thanks to you… This video really helped me…😊

  6. There are a few components to photoshop lessons. One place I found which successfully combines these is the Trevs Photo Blueprint (google it if you're interested) definately the most incredible guide i've heard of. look at the awesome information.

  7. I've been working with a very old version of CS5.5 for a long time. I've been watching this video with my jaw literally hanging open. I can't believe all the new features. Mind blown.

  8. Can I just say, I love how fast you talk! lol I hate when people talk slow, it grates on me 😊 Besides, videos have a pause, rewind, play option for a reason 😉

    Sometimes as a designer you forget some design aspects depending on your job – your tutorials are great refreshers! Thank you! 👌🏻

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