2.4 Saving to a Database – Working with Data and APIs in JavaScript


It’s time to add a database! Let’s learn why databases are important. For this video, I’ll start by using NeDB for the Data Selfie App.

🔗 NeDB: https://github.com/louischatriot/nedb
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🎥 Socratica – SQL for Beginners: https://youtu.be/OfM5lC-7R4Y
🎥 What is Firebase?: https://youtu.be/JrHT1iqSrAQ

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🔗 p5.js: https://p5js.org
🔗 Processing: https://processing.org

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50 responses to “2.4 Saving to a Database – Working with Data and APIs in JavaScript”

  1. I am following your code, but I am having issues while dealing with this database. Every time I reboot my computer, I can't insert any data into my database after that. And when I am making get request with fetch api, there's not getting back any data. And the browser console tells me that 304 message in network box.

  2. I think the key question this episode raises is "How the h*** do you include emoji's in the VSC editor?"
    As always, a brilliant video. I hope everyone realises the huge amount of work that goes in these. I do. You're a super teacher Dan.

  3. this is maybe the most helpful video i have ever seen! I have been trying to learn sever side programming for several month with nothing, but from watching this series for a day, I created my first working project. Thank you so much you teach content in such a viewer friendly way.

  4. Hey..Amazing content and learning tons! Does anyone know how I would tell the server to get the lat and lon and regular intervals say once every 30 seconds..but not in the client. In other words, once the server is up it automatically does this every 30 seconds. Would I use setInterval for this? Would I put this set Interval in an app.get route? Thanks in advance. Coding Train dude, don't know your name but this is great content! Cheers!

  5. Amazing video as always Dan!
    NeDB seems like a really nice and easy database to start with, but for people too lazy to do even that, I highly recommend jsonstore.io. You don't even need a server to set it up, you can just send it your data and request it anytime!
    Maybe mention this sometime, it might help out someone 😛

  6. dan, i love you and all your videos with all my rainbow-love, you teached me all i know and one day you will see your name in the "Thanks" section of the credits 😂 but please, don't record videos when you aren't so joyful (i know you are a person and have feelings), maybe you don't know but seeing you SUPER happy and joyful coding, showing people that code isn't being in front of a computer with no friends, is one of the reasons i watch till the end. sorry for my bad english, i speak portuguese 😂

  7. I really like this style of database for my own projects because because it doesn't need a DB service to be running alongside the application.
    http://lokijs.org/ is another DB like NeDB, it feature in-memory document-oriented datastore. So the loki_DB files is in the computer's ram and when changes are made to the loki_DB a copy in written to the HD/SSD drive.

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