It’s time to add a database! Let’s learn why databases are important. For this video, I’ll start by using NeDB for the Data Selfie App.
Socratica – SQL for Beginners:
What is Firebase?:
Coding Challenges:
Intro to Programming:
Code of Conduct:
Original source
50 responses to “2.4 Saving to a Database – Working with Data and APIs in JavaScript”
I am following your code, but I am having issues while dealing with this database. Every time I reboot my computer, I can't insert any data into my database after that. And when I am making get request with fetch api, there's not getting back any data. And the browser console tells me that 304 message in network box.
i dont think this really helped with the basics that much. idk i'll try another video he has
I just want to get all the scores of all users, and in the end of the game put a new score in that info… data base is recommended for this situation?
I once tried to date a base, we went to the movies and I thought I chose a movie in two parts but I messed up and there was noSQL.
this was so amazing to learn. mind is blown
You say you will make a link in the description to an example of saving the temporary database array to file but I don't see it anywhere.
How would I delete or edit data in the database?
I cant believe this course is free?!
Amazing work this would easily be $200+ on udemy
How did you get that emoji in vscode ? BTW nice playlist
The best teacher on youtube who teaches nodejs
For me, installing nedb without –save does not include it in the dependencies…
8:30 I am confused. Isn't timestamp const? how can it be redefined as data.timestamp?
I think the key question this episode raises is "How the h*** do you include emoji's in the VSC editor?"
As always, a brilliant video. I hope everyone realises the huge amount of work that goes in these. I do. You're a super teacher Dan.
this is maybe the most helpful video i have ever seen! I have been trying to learn sever side programming for several month with nothing, but from watching this series for a day, I created my first working project. Thank you so much you teach content in such a viewer friendly way.
I don't know how these videos have dislikes, thank you!
Hmm. When I had this like in video, it wrote to file, but in svelte, I can not write it to file but only in Indexed Db. So values are not safe in file, only in browser?
Guys I cannot install nedb, because I’m behind a corporate proxy. How can I handle this problem? Thanks in advance
super helpful you are the best teacher for beginner like me.
what's the link to the SQL video (the teacher is pretty attractive)
Thanks a lot. You're a fantastic teacher and today I just started to learn NeDB with your tutorial.
As we say in my country : Merci beaucoup !
Hey..Amazing content and learning tons! Does anyone know how I would tell the server to get the lat and lon and regular intervals say once every 30 seconds..but not in the client. In other words, once the server is up it automatically does this every 30 seconds. Would I use setInterval for this? Would I put this set Interval in an app.get route? Thanks in advance. Coding Train dude, don't know your name but this is great content! Cheers!
correct me if I'm but MLab is now MongoDB Atlas. I got redirected to Atlas when trying to access MLab
there's also MongoDB Atlas, provided by Mongo themselves, also a cloud database service
May I ask why Jan 1 1970 in particular alot of languages like python have a similar date for the milliseconds function, was it when that function was added to JavaScript?
What are the practical uses of nedb other than in learning projects?
You really talk with your hands. That's all I could get past
This was really helpful!! Love it when you talk about the basic, fundamentals stuff because that is what I lack and everyone seems to know everything
Amazing video as always Dan!
NeDB seems like a really nice and easy database to start with, but for people too lazy to do even that, I highly recommend You don't even need a server to set it up, you can just send it your data and request it anytime!
Maybe mention this sometime, it might help out someone
dan, i love you and all your videos with all my rainbow-love, you teached me all i know and one day you will see your name in the "Thanks" section of the credits
but please, don't record videos when you aren't so joyful (i know you are a person and have feelings), maybe you don't know but seeing you SUPER happy and joyful coding, showing people that code isn't being in front of a computer with no friends, is one of the reasons i watch till the end. sorry for my bad english, i speak portuguese 
Thank you so much. Your videos are honestly so helpful and I would've failed my exam without you.
Seeking for peer review
mr danil pls can you creat one video 4 itunes bypass using pyhoni ur database
If I upload app to heroku, will database file get saved and can it be accessed?
Has he done a video on hilbert curves?
Do you use a macbook pro or air?
Please do this with a relational database. Primarily parsing nested Jason and inserting it into a table… Or tables
I love this particular video series. I hope you continue on with videos that fit more business purposes like this. It is helping so much.
Have you made a video about MongoDB and express.js?
"mongo" is btw an insult in german.
Awesome as always!!… Stupid question: what extension do you use to insert those emojis?
Great video.
Hey which text editor do you use
Yes yes yes. Definitely needed this video!!!
Facepalm ive been using new Date().valueOf() for ages
He gave us a time stamp, we can figure out when he recorded this video
I really like this style of database for my own projects because because it doesn't need a DB service to be running alongside the application. is another DB like NeDB, it feature in-memory document-oriented datastore. So the loki_DB files is in the computer's ram and when changes are made to the loki_DB a copy in written to the HD/SSD drive.
NeDb is not developed since many years.
is it still a good package?
I feel like the database would get huge during testing. Are you considering checking if the lat/lon already exists in the db and either updating it, or not inserting if it does?
Thank you. You make it look easy. How can you save data for example from a form in a sidebar chrome extension to your database.