Lesson Code: http://www.developphp.com/video/PHP/Database-Creation-and-PHP-MySQLi-Connection-Script-Tutorial Learn to create the Database on your …
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2. Database Creation and PHP MySQLi Connection Script Tutorial

Lesson Code: http://www.developphp.com/video/PHP/Database-Creation-and-PHP-MySQLi-Connection-Script-Tutorial Learn to create the Database on your …
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23 responses to “2. Database Creation and PHP MySQLi Connection Script Tutorial”
When I click on the link in the description –>
NOTICE: This domain name expired on 2/12/2019 and is pending renewal or deletion.
Sir upload new videos.
I was kind of hoping you would show us how to do that like on your own web server so never mind on watching this…sorry.
Someone could help me … I did not find the class where the template_country_list.php file was made …. you can send me the file to email.paulmasan@hotmail.com or paulomasan12@gemail.com … paulo do Brasil
thanks. ur awesome.
when I upload page, then go to the address: This page isn't working http error 500, so it ends for me at this point. It worked in 2012 when I first tried it but now, I cant get past this point.
What Copyright information do i need to know for this? I assume i can't copy the logo, but can i copy the code verbatim for my own business?
which website is HE using to create a MySQL account
hello sir it showing class mysqli not found in C:/…….. how to fix it
anyone watching in 2017?
Good job, happy for tutorial, Thanks…
You're the best pedagogue I,ve ever met in my life. You are nothing but a great fellow.
You made everything easy & helpful to reach in advance level. Thank you bro
is there a spelling mistake on line 4
This is so helpful
Does localhost offer unlimited webpages? I don't want there to be an end to the amount of members i add
Adam Khoury you are a great teacher i proud of you
Thank you soo much
For the password problem, you could store password in variable in another file, then require that file and put variable in mysqli_connection :).
does that make you happy :') haha you're funny dude
$servername = "localhost";
$username = "root";
$password = " ";
// Create connection
$conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password);
// Check connection
if ($conn->connect_error) {
die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error);
echo "Connected successfully";
i am getting same code as output. can you please help me to connect my database
You're funny
your not riding code you just showing it and talking about it:(