3d blender character animation workflow


using blender 2.56 animating a biped with advanced rig from the riggify feature.
Took at least 20min to animate this. This video just shows you a quick workflow of how it looks like to animate with an advanced rig. If you have any questions or comments- feel free to comment below- YES

Music- Epic music Greatest emperor

Here is his channel on vimeo- http://vimeo.com/10736364
THanks for his animation tutorials…

Subscibe and comment- Keeps me going 🙂


16 responses to “3d blender character animation workflow”

  1. i have aproblem with my mesh it strecthes when i use rigify mostly when im trying to do a jump il move the hips the body will move fine except the legs just strecth should i just manualy rig without rigify?

  2. @yousufnohd98 well it's not a hard process to make an ik go rig in blender. If you know how to make one it would only take less then ten min including making blend shapes. But to get this rig on any character from human to a quadruped just go in your preferences and choose the riggiify addon. There some tutorials on how to use the riggiify option in blender. Riggiify.

  3. dude…how did u make that rig…i've been hunting for an ik rig like this one for ages…i mean…in other rigs,u cant keep the legs and hands in place when u move the body…if u can…please post a link frm where i can get this rig…

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