This video introduces the idea of using external data in a p5.js sketch. What are the various formats — JSON, tabular data, XML? What is an API?
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35 responses to “8.1: Introduction to Data and APIs in JavaScript – p5.js Tutorial”
U R amazing .. keep it up
I want to write a program using Instagram API for "flower" now! o_O
You are a hero
This was GREAT! Wish i had watched it sooner. Thanks man!
I just found your youtube profile. You are really amazing. My note block is full of new information. You are really adding to my knowledge in a fun and uplifting manner. Thank you for doing this. I will be an active viewer of your videos from now on. Keep up the good work!
There's lots of stuff, how's there lots of stuff
Hey, great tutorial playlist ! Could you create a few videos about algorithms (using javascript)?
HAHAHA that instagram search though! too funny
OKAY, couldn't you come to my knowledge a little early. I wasted shit ton of money on some stupid Bootcamp in Delhi. By the way, your way of teaching is like enjoying a sitcom and getting educated at the same time. Bless you buddy.
Instagram has an API…flower…WHOOPS!
Instagram has an API…flower…WHOOPS!
Teaching is a skill, Sir Newton could not do it. You are simply amazing and your creative use of english language penetrates through our skull. THANK YOU. Wish I could write code beautifully as you do…..
Daniel I am so happy I found you =)
You're 42!?!?!?!?!?!?!
dude, you are better than all the teachers I had in college, well done!
People watching it after 2015: Update, Google Image Search have been depreciated
Hey! Just a question, because i cant find it in this playlist. Have you done a tutorial about collecting data from a textfile?
Thank you so much for making these tutorials, you explain so well programming ! A big thanks from france
Hi Daniel, Thank you very much for these videos. They've been very helpful.
This was really helpful thank you
12:10 that nervous laugh though.. :p
You are the best! your videos make a lot of sense to me! Thank for you hard work! Could you please share the files to make that windmap please? I want to do something similar but dont know how to start.
OOH! 42 is the answer to life the universe and everything!
man that was a great video usually I get bored from these lectures but with your video the time fly I didn't even notice I miss the old days teaching were you can see the teacher explaining like yours good job my friend
Good stuff man–keep up the hustle!
Wraios o anomaliaris ! Bravo
Great video Daniel!
Hi Daniel, awesome work again.
I have a question and appreciate if u can help by small example or at least a tip
I need to read xlsx file directly to p5.js, i lost on google trying to find libraries that access xlsx file
Wow this is great! You make a great teacher
I'll be eating though this course!
Hey Daniel, Top Tip: You should re-do this tutorial and at 03.10 start singing this : )
A great introductory video to understand what APIs and JSON are for. Thanks!
Just found you videos and think you're brilliant as a teacher!
google apple
you are Awesome Thanks ^^
A general P5 question : If the p5 library is loaded before our script js, why can't we immediately call a p5 function with script.js? e.g. noCanvas() outslide of any function wouldn't work because noCanvas is still undefined when it's called.