What is Object-oriented Programming? (JavaScript Tutorial)

Let’s learn the very basics of Object-oriented Programming with JavaScript. We begin talking about objects at ~5:38. Link to my new “Git a Developer Job” course: https://www.udemy.com/git-a-web-developer-job-mastering-the-modern-workflow/?couponCode=YOUTUBE-HALF-OFF

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42 responses to “What is Object-oriented Programming? (JavaScript Tutorial)”

  1. hey, great lesson.
    i have a query, how do I output this to the page?? instead of console.log if I use document.getElementById("idname").innerHTML = this.name + this.favoriteColor; it overwrites the previous inputs i.e. of John, or is there any other way of doing so??

  2. damn, this was so easy to grasp. now I get it.
    now everyone is like, you should do object oriented, no you should do function oriented, can't you just use both instead? I mean, every type serves a different purpose, right. sometimes use cases intersect. or am I deadwrong?

  3. @LearnWebCode Hey! Is it necessary to include "this" keyword in the console.log statement? Like, for example, in Java, when a method access it's own property (like "name") it already knows that the property that is being accessed is of that particular object itself?

  4. I still cannot comprehend or understand how a voice can make you internalize things like literally 10 times faster.

    Maybe it's due to you kind of, as you talk, you pick the just essential words to be understood to perfection.

    I'm blown up, love you. A lot. Can I suggest teaching a "Java for android apps" on Udemy? I'd be the first to enroll.

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