Web Services Tutorial 3 SOAP & REST Tutorial

Get the Code Here : http://goo.gl/YGeQ86 Web Services 1 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqNiINZ4Sxg Web Services 2 …

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33 responses to “Web Services Tutorial 3 SOAP & REST Tutorial”

  1. Derek, in regard to HATEOS, would it be a better practice to pass the URI of each individual student resource in the response rather than building out the href in the front end? Let me know your thoughts.


  2. Thanks for your awesome videos. It really helps me.
    Please correct me if I'm wrong. I would build an API if I want to make my website a mobile app, I want another app to connect to my site or I just want to use frameworks like Angular to fetch data from the API instead of using PHP directly.
    Am I missing something?
    I was always afraid of API'S, but I guess it's all about returning JSON, and mostly that's it.

  3. Dear Derek,

    Thank you for wonderfull tutorial as always.
    I apreciate this tutorial for SOAP and REST but I can't help but wonder how is REST diferent from ordinary getting and presenting data ?

  4. Nice vid, let me ask u something, i need to create a mini social network using web services, but, i cant understand how to!! can u help me? starting from the login and register form using web service, please :S

  5. I've never heard anyone pronounce 'Yakima' (ya-kee-ma) the way you did (spent most my life in Central Washington). Everyone here says "Ya-ka-ma" or "ya-ka-maw" (Sometimes "yak-uh-ma/w" even.), in my experience. Wikipedia seems to say "Ya-kee-ma" also, but I've never once heard it before today haha. Anyways this is a pointless comment, just thought it was interesting.

  6. i kept receiving this error: object(SoapFault)#2 (10) { ["message":protected]=> string(33) "looks like we got no XML document"….

    i solved it by going to php.ini and uncommenting the line "always_populate_raw_post_data = -1"

    make sure to restart your web-server after doing this

  7. hello again, as always thanks for the tutorial, maybe you have an example for the conexion of this webservice with C#  as you don't use WSDL I cant connect them? I can't resolve my problem with that… thanks again

  8. If anyone has any problems running the above projects watch out for your UTF settings. I copied the code from Dereks website into my editor and for some reason the default in my editor changed to UTF with BOM. This meant that some strange characters, that FF doesn't even display, were messing up my code. Anyway, the solution is to make sure that your text editor (mine is Notepad ++) is set to UTF8 without BOM.

  9. Hi Derek, I keep getting the following error when I run your code: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:wampwwwrestexamplerest_client.php on line 47
    It's to do with the foreach statement but I'm not sure what's wrong. I've copied your code from your website and the only thing I've changed is the url where I have the files in a different named folder

  10. I thought it might be more concise to do something like:
    static $student_info = array(
        array("first_name" => "Dale" ,  "last_name" => "Cooper", …),
        array("first_name" => "Harry", "last_name" => "Truman", …),
    if(in_array($id, $student_info)){
        return $student_info[$id];
    } else {
        return "Student id: $id not foundn";

    but then you'd probably have to explain static which diverts from the video.
    Probably should have thrown in a default case though:
        $student_info = array("NA" => "No student exists with that id");

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