Javascript Reduce and Map In Depth. Explained.

Everyone knows about Array.forEach, but Array.forEach is just an abstraction for Array.reduce, the core of the Array methods. Let’s dive in.

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41 responses to “Javascript Reduce and Map In Depth. Explained.”

  1. This is such a spot on explanation on map/reduce. You made this very accessible to a new coder. What still confuses me, is that on MDN, they have four arguments for the callback function. In your instance, all == previous value ( isn't this the final value to be returned and isn't it "pointing " to the second argument of reduce?), item == current value, index == index. Why do they have array as the 4th arg? The syntax has the array being operated on before the reduce method….[array].reduce(function(1,2,3){ ;},0);

  2. Thanks for this.  It was excellent! Question.  When you type "[].filter" , chrome print out the actual content of the function.  All I get is the the function object. How do you enable this feature?

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