Tutorial 4 – MySQL Insert

Robert explains how to insert information into a MySQL database from a PHP file and HTML form.

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9 responses to “Tutorial 4 – MySQL Insert”

  1. You Rock!  I just finished a 5 month PHP class and it would have been so helpful to have known about your videos before I started the class.  Thank you for all of your hard work in putting together these videos.  You have an excellent way of teaching.

  2. AWESOME conclusion!
    Are we gonna get more into this???

    Youre the only one that makes sense. That why your videos have NO thumbs down at all. Maybe do a lil promotion for yourself.

    Anyway…cant wait for more…hope youre still active on this.
    MAYBE you could dive into something like a search engine and filters?
    I dunno. THANKS BRO!

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