Ryan Dahl. Deno, a new way to JavaScript. JS Fest 2019 Spring

The talk from JS Fest conference in Kyiv, Ukraine.
Presentation: https://bit.ly/2U0lQmZ
Fb: https://www.facebook.com/JSFestua/
Website: http://jsfest.com.ua/

From async-await to ArrayBuffers, the JavaScript language has changes significantly in the decade since Node.js was designed. Deno takes advantage of these developments and incorporate lessons learned in the development of Node to provide a new JavaScript platform built on V8 and Rust. This talk will teach the audience how to get started with Deno.

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41 responses to “Ryan Dahl. Deno, a new way to JavaScript. JS Fest 2019 Spring”

  1. I don't really understand what the problem with node_modules is. Where else would you organize dependencies? It is what enables repeatable builds, native dependencies and caching, all in one place. Why would I want to paste some URLs directly into my program?
    But NPM can resolve any git repository. Where is that not "webby"? Why would you split the ecosystem? That's what's so great about NPM.
    6:54 What is it with SSH keys? Every webserver has access to them. I don't quite follow. What security do I gain with some special flags?
    Built in TypeScript is a bad idea. TypeScript works so fine because it decouples modern JavaScript from the implemented standard in Browsers or in Node. So I can downlevel in any way without compromise. With built in TypeScript you would render that advantage useless. And after all, TypeScript doesn't enforce or guarantee anything. It is wonderful as a compile time construct, but why would you built it into a runtime?
    What is it with you and "webby"? What is wrong with __filename? Python denotes special functions and constants with two underscores and it is a good convention.
    Well, nice thing that typed arrays can make sockets more efficient, but why not letting socket.write take a string and deal with encoding internally? I think that is a low-level implementation detail.

    While Promise based APIs are quite nice, I would have loved to see the new stream API. I hope to see more ReactiveX. And of course WASM. What are the ideas around multi-threading and FFI?

  2. what's the challenge of adding –allow-read, allow-write, etc flags to node?
    Sure it wouldn't solve 100% of the challenges he's talking about especially for node_modules but if its possible than it is certainly a step in the right direction.

  3. While I'd like to use Rust as a scripting language embedded in another app possibly with a REPL, Rusti seems to have had problems lately. Maybe cling and C++?

    However, TypeScript isn't the answer. The type of things that Deno targets is well handled by cargo-script, which is just a way to write a Rust program with it's cargo deps listed in the same file. It has a .crs extention for Windows and a #! first line for *nix.

  4. You should have comenetd more about all the amazing and convenient implications using the es6 import system. Looking forward to this proyect, it really is a right eveolution from node proy

  5. Good effort. But in terms of performance and scalability, it is miles behind Node.js, and considering that its community is also tiny compared to that of Node.js, it will never catch up.

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