Blender 2.8 Will Be A Game Changer! – EEVEE, Grease Pencil, Features, and Release Dates

A look at the new features of Blender 2.8, including EEVEE, Grease Pencil, animation and more. I will also talk about the pros and cons of this update and how it will be a game changer! Blender 2.8 release dates are in the video as well.

Links mentioned in the video:

What Is Blender EEVEE – Blender 2.8 With Demo:

Blender Developers:

Blender Today:

Tree Creature by Daniel Bystedt:

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34 responses to “Blender 2.8 Will Be A Game Changer! – EEVEE, Grease Pencil, Features, and Release Dates”

  1. If you aren't changing to 2.8 as of June 2019(one month off from the official release, but basically READY and EVERYONE is using it) if u aren't because the hotkeys are different from 2.7, they really aren't THAT much. Grab, scale, rotate are still the same. Some names are different like removing doubles is merge by distance, but these TINY nuances really can just be googled fast and like Yan said, you can get used to it within like 2 days.

    If you are shy because of the hotkeys, you really are robbing yourself of these awesome tools that have existed for MONTHS now!

  2. In my personal opinion: all 2.8 has done so far is make everything overly complicated and less convenient. And added real time rendering that really isn't that cool when you take time to consider it almost entirely ruins any detail you've added and isn't that real time if you want it to not look like dogshit

    It makes me think they made the appearance their first priority

  3. I LOVE Blender 2.8! the only thing that bothers me is when I sculpt my character with dyntopo, if I want to undo something and press ctrl z, I lose all sculpting progress. the model is still there, it's just the sculpting. Is it a bug or am I doing something wrong?

  4. It's great that Blender is being recognized by more professionals, but that does leave me to worry that at some point, an animation studio will try and purchase Blender and turn it into another overpriced piece of software, leaving the people that have been using it independently in the dust.

  5. Im crying! Blender is the best program ever made!!
    It saved and made my life.
    And the grease pencil will save it again just as im starting to get very interested in 2d animation and want to combine it with my 3d skills.

  6. You are doing an amazing job at promoting Blender 2.8. I am actually quite tempted to start blender now.

    Just a question, for a new user, should I be downloading the older versions to start learning from pre-existing videos? Just slightly unsure if there is enough tutorials with the new 2.8 UI.

  7. will you able to close windows easier!? Im super new but ive been working hard and understand everything from modeling to textures to weight ratio and animation, Ive made quite a few object and I still cant get the hang of closing a freaking window, all anyone says is drag it the opposite direction by the little triangle lines but do you have to flick your wrist a certain way or what?!! They put this stuff in just to mess with noobs I swear. and I always did suck with interfaces, im the guy at the office playing catch up because he didnt autosave 🙂

  8. As a beginner, 2.8's gui isn't the same as all the gui's on the tutorial videos, lots of frustration and doubt as I try to follow along. Here's an opportunity for someone to create intro's to 3d basics using 2.8, and the 2d animation

  9. Should i learn blender 2.7 or 2.8 as a new beginner seeing almost every tutorials on youtube is in 2.7 in other words can i use blender 2.7 tutorials videos while using 2.8 blender?

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