JavaScript and JSON tutorial: What is JSON? |

Explore JavaScript Object Notation, or JSON, which is used for sharing data between devices and servers. Watch more at

This tutorial is a single movie from the JavaScript and JSON course presented by author Ray Villalobos. The complete course duration is 1 hour and 12 minutes long and shows how the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format works and how you can use it to read and share data in your web projects

1. Getting Started
2. Working with JavaScript Objects
3. JavaScript, JSON, and AJAX
4. JavaScript and JSON in Action

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11 responses to “JavaScript and JSON tutorial: What is JSON? |”

  1. Hi
    Is there any way to make the infinite scroll web site with  image blocks (something like Behance or Zergnet) using JSON file for automatic load images and captions? I need explanation in short steps how to do that.


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