JavaScript Tutorial For Beginners #9 – Math Operator Short-hand

Hey guys. In this JavaScript tutorial I want to build on what we’ve already learnt about mathematical operators, and show you a few cool short-hand notation versions that will save you time.

+= is the short-hand for adding to the current variable

-= is the short-hand for subtracting from the current variable

*= is the short-hand for multiplying by the current variable

/= is the short-hand for dividing the current variable

++var or var++ are the incremental operators (increase the value of the variable by 1).

–var or var– are the decremental operators (decrease the value of the variable by 1).

As usual, comment down below with any questions :).


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18 responses to “JavaScript Tutorial For Beginners #9 – Math Operator Short-hand”

  1. I have watched almost all of your playlists, and you are truly an amazing brain ninja. Could you also please do a PHP and MySQL playlist as well ? i would forever be gratefull, thank you once more!

  2. I have spent countless hours tryin to find decent videos that go at a good /smooth pace for beginners…I had not found one until I came across your series. Thank you so much for not making me feel supid. Also the videos are all short and right to the point so Im able to go back and re watch something if i didnt get it the first time.

  3. Great tutorials! I'm following the course at freeCodeCamp, but needed something more to grasp things. This does the job very well. Best videos I've found for beginners so far.

  4. I'm currently self-studying to become web developer and this is already your third playlist i watch. I have to say that you definitely explain better than other courses i watched, even one i had to pay for it. Good job:)

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