How to install and configure Laravel 5.5 with Bootstrap 4


Learn to configure and use Bootstrap version 4 with Laravel 5.5. I assume you already know about Laravel and Bootstrap. You will learn to use PHP 7 and how to upgrade it.

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26 responses to “How to install and configure Laravel 5.5 with Bootstrap 4”

  1. i created separate file and and then used bootstrap class in it ,classes are not working.only created files bootstrap is working and even if i make some changes in those class that also applies to it.what can be the problem

  2. Well done, thanks! Works perfect now.
    Update: Bootstrap's JavaScript doesn't seem to work:
    VM2077:1 Uncaught TypeError: $(…).dropdown is not a function
    * at <anonymous>:1:23*

    jQuery however works fine:

    [a.nav-link.dropdown-toggle, prevObject: jQuery.fn.init(1)]

    Any idea how to properly include Bootstrap's JavaScript code?

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