Style Our Blog With Bootstrap – Django Blog #3


In this video we’ll use Bootstrap to add style to our Blog. We’ll create a navbar with Bootstrap, and create a Base.html file to extends to all our blog pages.

We’ll also learn how to add unique html title tags to every page of our blog using a block title tag.

We’ll also add a new field to our database to record the html title tag for each unique blog post. We’ll create a migration for the new model and migrate it into the database.

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33 responses to “Style Our Blog With Bootstrap – Django Blog #3”

  1. when I set dinamic page title, I have this error 'Invalid block tag on line 11: 'endblock'. Did you forget to register or load this tag?' If i replace {{post.title}} with something else, like 'blog title', everything works fine. I can't resolve this error. Do you have any idea?

  2. Hi John, thanks for your very interesting videos.

    I wanted to go on your website but when I click on your link the site can't be reached.

    Do you have any info about why it doesn't work ?


  3. Hey John, great video today and congrats on the 10k subscribers. I am really enjoying the playlist and I am eagerly waiting for the next one in the series. just a suggestion can you show where in the file structure you would put bootstrap if you don't want to use the CDN and any configuration that needs to be done with it?

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