Use the link to purchase the Ninja Blender on MassGenie:
I’m Precious, a 3rd year medical student documenting my experience through this crazy journey. Along the way, I hope to provide advice to pre-med and med students and motivation to any student pursing a career in the medical field.
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I upload new videos every Sunday.
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3rd year resources:
Dr. Pestana’s Surgery Notes:
A Case Base Clinical Review by De Virgilio:
Surgical Recall:
Case Files Surgery:
Case Files OBGYN:
Hacker and Moore’s Essentials of OBGYN:
OBGYN Secrets:
First Aid for OBGYN:
First Aid for Psychiatry:
Case Files Psychiatry:
You can find me on social media:
Instagram @precious_any
Snapchat: precious_any
47 responses to “A WEEK AS A MEDICAL STUDENT | Med School VLOG | Internal Med”
How do you remember so much you have to know that’s so good it’s so intimidating to me
What’s the name of your school?
So what specialty are u gunning for?
You inspire me so much girl

Such a hardworking young woman.
I'll be going to ELAM soon
You're such an inspiration
Keep doing what you do!
Much love from Dominica
I want to go into the competitive field of surgery and I want to successes I’m about to go to college and I can’t see myself doing anything else do y’all think I should pursue my passion
Hey Precious, I'm about to start my pre-med programme soon enough but I'm still afraid of pursuing medicine because of many factors but watching some of your videos kind of helped me to overcome my anxiety . Hope I could survive in the medical school years and much love to your videos.
I love protein-veggie smoothies
Great video, very encouraging..
Happy Thursday precious. It's me sandy. Thank u so much for again motivating me and I apologize for writing this comment so late. I was on a resort and slept in the balcony on the floor because someone snored very loudly lol and I woke up feeling sick and groggy plus it was also raining sooo. But thank u precious and all the best for ur internal medicine rotation. Lots of love and blessings from ur admirer.
Congrats, young lady! I wish you the all the best in your doctor career! You will be the best of the best!
Keep up the hard work girly!!!! Hair
G O A LS !! Love it !! Check out my DAY IN THE LIFE OF A SCIENCE STUDENT !
She's a beautiful woman
Love this. You are inspo! I'm a medical student in the UK on my year out, miss clinical life more watching these videos haha!
I’m going to give that smoothie recipe a try
I love your hair
What specialty do you want to do?
I’m so proud of you
keep up the good work 
I admire how people are handling the practical part plus studying… I need to work on my time management skills, could you please do a video about that? How to be able to force yourself to do the planned things exactly at that time and do not procrastinate? Thank you!
Btw, I am always so surprised, that you guys can walk around in white coats…
Thank you for the video, really enjoyed it <3
Great vlog as always and I definitely missed watching your videos I’m glad your back.
Great to see you! Everything is moving along and going well for you. You make it seem manageable and easy. Your hair is so cute. See you in the next vid.
I hope all your dreams come true and you do what you are passionate at. Thank you for keeping us updated about school. By the way you are very pretty and your boyfriend is a really lucky guy!
Have a great week.
thanks again.
Your braids look bomb
Missed your vlogs Precious!!
Welcome back
very excited that you're almost done with 3rd year
. From what I see, I think he supports Manchester united cos lately they haven't been playing well
Stanley's reaction to his team losing is totally me
Glad you’re back! Hair looks so good
Yesss! I've been counting the days until you uploaded!
Is your GoFundMe still up for you graduation expenses? I would like to donate to that. Keep up the awesome work! 
I have no interest in the medicine field and don't know what you're talking about half the time but I really enjoy your vlogs!
What is the purpose of wearing scrubs only on call days?
love hair.
for long was wondering
I liked the video! I’m a high school student interested in medical school and I was wondering what your GPA/ ACT score was!?
Hi precious I am a second year medical student in Nigeria and I just love your videos.

Is the ninja blender expensive?
Ur journey is very inspiring. Even tho we began the same year in medical school i still on my basic years ( studying systems). But u already in internal medicine ? Isn’t this a clinical phase ? I finished my 3 basic years. How many years to finish medicine in ur country?
Ofc keep growing may God bless you and your goals missed your vlogs but keep going and work hard

It's funny, while you are entering your fourth year of med school, I am entering my senior year of high school. Time flies.
I had a chance to follow an internal medicine resident when I was doing my NP fellowship a few years ago. I’ll always respect the hard work/training you all do. Keep it up
I got the notification and I clicked on it right away. I hope you have more of an exiting rest of your internal medicine rotation.
I never clicked on a video so quickly. Great video as usual – love the hair
Love u .
Well done on clerking 3 patients on your first day, it's definitely not an 'easy' way to start. xx
Glad to see you.
You are so hardworking and you deserve every accomplishment!
Great vlog! I was waiting for a new upload! #notificationsquad