Author: d4mations

  • The Pillar of Stability: The Importance of Choosing the Right Tripod for Photography

    [ad_1] In the world of photography, capturing the perfect shot often requires meticulous attention to detail. From adjusting camera settings to framing the subject just right, photographers invest significant effort in creating stunning visuals. However, amidst all the technicalities, there is one often overlooked but indispensable tool that can make or break the outcome of…

  • We Review the New Sony a6700 Mirrorless APS-C Camera

    [ad_1] After four years, Sony finally released this new APS-C camera. This is the a6700 with a completely new design. It features the new A.I. engine for identifying and tracking subjects. Unfortunately, Sony forgot to make a few other improvements. With the new Sony a6700, the APS-C line of mirrorless cameras is finally up to…

  • Add Impact to Your Photos by Showing Less

    [ad_1] As a beginner photographer, your natural instinct often tries to capture everything that catches your eye. If you’re standing in front of the most beautiful view you’ve ever seen, of course you’ll want to show the whole scene in your image, but you’ll often create the most compelling images by showing less. The Art…

  • How to Slow Down and Capture Beautiful Landscapes

    [ad_1] Do you find yourself arriving at a landscape photography location, getting the tripod set up, the camera out of the camera bag, and then walking away disappointed with your images? Something not quite right? I have some tips for finding your shot, whether it is a new location or one of your old favorites!…

  • 3 Simple Steps Every Photographer Can Take to Immediately Improve Their Compositions

    [ad_1] The mistakes you make in life, including photography, leave a tart, bitter taste in your mouth, especially when they’re your fault and entirely avoidable. The solution? Don’t make them. Here are three easy steps photographers from any genre can implement to immediately improve compositions and eliminate unnecessary errors.   Nothing makes me feel worse…

  • Are The Nikon Z8 and Z9 The Perfect One-Two Punch?

    [ad_1] Today, a brief thought on when, sometimes, the solution isn’t X or Y, but X and Y. I am the proud owner of two Nikon Z9s. After several years of buying cameras that didn’t quite live up to my needs as a photographer or my expectations, finding the Z9 a couple years ago has…

  • Reasons Why Beginners Should Avoid Entry-Level Cameras

    [ad_1] One regular and boring argument proposed by some is that the camera doesn’t matter. That’s hogwash. A good quality camera is vitally important for photography, and here’s why. I often wonder at some photographers’ motives for suggesting that the camera is unimportant in achieving a good image. Do they mistakenly believe are better than…

  • Can Professional Photographers Take a Break From Social Media?

    [ad_1] What an absurd question — I know. But, the times have changed and where social media was once an interesting marketing avenue, it’s now a staple of the craft for photographers. If you’re making a living from said craft, can you take a break from Instagram, for instance? When Instagram first began getting attention,…

  • Building Your First Landscape Photography Filter Kit in 2023

    [ad_1] With all the new advancements in technology, specifically with the emergence of AI, why would you still need to have a set of filters for landscape photography? How do you start and what should you start with? Even before the emergence of AI, there have been many statements thrown around as to why certain…

  • Is Nikon Planning to Go Retro Again?

    [ad_1] Nikon has dabbled in vintage-styled digital cameras for quite some time now, with some achieving more success than others, but they have yet to release a full frame mirrorless camera with that sort of design. That might change soon, with a new vintage-style full frame mirrorless camera rumored to be on the way very…