Autodesk Maya 2018 – Stylized Axe Modeling and Texturing Timelapse
Based on original concept by Anastasia Sid
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This video shows a timelapse video on how to model a simple Stylized Axe. Autodesk maya was used to model and Substance Painter for texturing. It took about 35 minutes to make the whole thing.
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Egemen Yildirimcan
Gordon Winkelmann
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Learn how to model a Soda Can.
Here’s a list of useful shortcuts used in maya.
W- move
E- rotate
R- scale
G- repeat last command
q – exit tool
b- soft selection
shift + . – grow selection
alt + b – change background color
f – fit to selection
ctrl + a – open attribute editor/channel box
ctrl + delete – deletes an edge loop( 2014 version and up only)
1 – standard mode
2- subdivision mode with cage
3- subdivision mode
4- wireframe
5 – shaded mode
6- texture mode
Questions are welcomed, but please refer to the video time-frame when asking video specific questions, thank you
Music :
Hypnothis – Kevin MacLeod (
Space1990 – Kevin MacLeod (
Basement Floor- Kevin MacLeod (
Electro Sketch – Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
44 responses to “Autodesk Maya 2018 – Stylized Axe Speed Modeling”
Let's get to 300 video likes and I will make this model available for download for FREE!
Also, if you axe in the mood, join our Patreon group! :
Speed modelling vids gay as fuck.
1:46 … wait what? thats how you do it in maya??? in blender is simply select the vertices, press F and done … this however looks painful
Is it a low poly or a high poly, I'm a beginner and a little confuse
Can anyone explain to me how he is doing what he is doing at 2:09 to 2:12??? I've used the multi-cut tool and made my shape, but how does he then separate it from the other parts, make it its own object, and then bring back the original piece. Now making them separate meshes. I've very confused :S
2:10 how do u select those?
2:10–2:16 dont get how u do all that
love this work …this is my work please check
what did you do at 2:10?
Excuse me, but can I know the name of the music that starts in 1:07 ? The one in the descriptions are incorrect.
I am a graphics designer, and a CS student, you say it took 35 minutes , how much time would it take me to learn this software's all basics, one thing i have learnt is that being jack of all trades is not worth it but i really think learning 3d will enhance my graphics skills, should i learn it or not, i am a super fast learner and i think i can learn it pretty fast provided it isn't too rocket science stuff, i learnt Photoshop in two days, previously i have tried 3d and i think it isn't too complex if you get to know how to navigate
Loved the video, what program did you texture this in?
what's the music?
How to model peppa pig (cartoon) in maya 3d please
Not mine.
Hi. Why you using Height Map, but not Normal Map for scratches (7:00) ? Thanks.
Quick question: How did you make the wood depth at 3.30? Did you use a normal wood texture? If yes how did you get just the heights of it? Did you use just its heightmap?
7:24 what was the software used for the final turntable view animation?
What version of substance painter you are using mate?
Great work! Keep them coming
i always struggle with curvature map .. when i export maya mesh to Substance and apply Edge wear it gets messy and thats because i don't have curvature map. any ideas how i can get around that ?
I don't know why you guys use music in educational video, you should speak what you are doing that would be mush more helpful for the learners. like the steps or which key you are pressing that would make the video impressive and understandable not this meaningless tune.
He is using substance painter for texturing!
Hi, this might come out as weird since this is a 3D video but… may I know the music you used in this video? The ones in the description are not them. Love the video though!
the addition of wood,fabric,metal details is included in this tutorial?
I just had the biggest "Oh… that's such a smart way of doing it" moment!
It was 2:05
Not sure if it'll work in blender though. I'll try it.
Edit: You can! I'll still need to work out the kinks of how to do it (so far it only cuts 1 side, even after pressing z), but it totally works!
Would you like to share that axe?
With all that work, why don't you put the other size of the axe a little different…
look like blender 2.8…
Is this game design ?
What is the second software you’re using to make colors and texture ?
Use bridge tool thingy instead to fill holes. Much faster.
This is so satisfying! But the background music you choose is annoying in my opinion
Does Blender have this? The texturing that is.
In which software you are doing texture
hey man, why you dont show how you render at end? i didnt work so much on substance painter… do u render on Maya?
Just eating up the knowledge from your videos, THX for making them
How did you remove the cut ins from the handle straps at 5:10?
Music sounds like its from that yu gi oh game
the sudden change in music around 5 mins scared me ahja
Awesome vid!
Btw, the music sounds familiar to me. Do you happen to play Ragnarok?
What software u use to color the model
hello bro.. i subcribe ur channel my id is vahn123 . ihave question… what shader in substance painter you use for??? thanks so much good job
Did you bake lp on lp?