Autodesk MAYA F key focus bug-SOLUTION

Sometime when we press F key or SHIFT+A fey to focus to a selection in Autodesk Maya the object get lost into infinity and we need to either delete maya prefs or reset everything to get things to normal.In this video I have tried to give a solution to this major issue without hampering the artists preference or workflow.


33 responses to “Autodesk MAYA F key focus bug-SOLUTION”

  1. Thanks for the video but I would also like to share my fix too.

    I have same problem in Maya 2016. It is rather strange but accidentally I found following solution:
    when objects in viewport disappeared I clicked one of the rotation arrows of ViewCube to turn it right and then rotated it back to the left – object became visible again.

    I would really like to know if it works for anyone else who also stumbles upon this bug.

  2. Thanks man. You have just saved my life. Deleting preference didn't solve my problem. I was facing this problem last 5years. Couldn't find the solution. I had to just reinstall Maya software to fix this problem. I don't know when Autodesk will update this Shitty Maya software. So full of bugs and shit. Blender, which is FREE, is far more better than this shitty software.

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