AWS Cognito Javascript Tutorial: Register Page

All Code can be found on my Github Repo:

Want to use AWS Cognito Services to manage registered users? In this video I will show you how to create a register page for your website using the AWS Cognito Javascript SDK.

AWS Cognito Javascript SDK Documentation

Original source

15 responses to “AWS Cognito Javascript Tutorial: Register Page”

  1. Hi Nikhil. Very nice tutorial.
    I am getting NotAuthorizedException while testing your code with my Cognito details. In Response Headers getting "x-amzn-errormessage: Unable to verify secret hash for client xxxxxx"
    I would really appreciate if you can guide me what exactly I am doing wrong.
    Thanks in advance.

  2. Hi Rao. I am trying to follow your tutorial. but I can't find amazon-cognito-auth.min.js and amazon-cognito-identity.min.js; my question is where did you get them? Thank you!

  3. Hi Rao. I am trying to follow your tutorial. but I can't find amazon-cognito-auth.min.js and amazon-cognito-identity.min.js; my question is where did you get them? thank you!

  4. Thanks for the helpful tutorials! A quick note, in the source code line 33 on register.html is incorrect – and therefore no personal name is pushed to Cognito as the personalname variable ends up being undefined.

  5. Hi Nikhil, Nice Video.

    As you know this is HTML Javascript page which can be viewed from Page Source, so how we can provide security to credentials ?

    Actually my requirement is to integrate API Gateway in Amazon Connect Stream API. So if you have information on that, Kindly share.



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