Beginner JavaScript Tutorial – 24 – Objects

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30 responses to “Beginner JavaScript Tutorial – 24 – Objects”

  1. Bucky, I cant thank you enough man! I've been progressing so well on codeacademy with Javascript but I got kind of stuck with one of the object sections. What I realised is that I didnt really fully grasp the concept of the syntax or how it actually works in general before moving on (codeacademy sometimes give brief explanations), and this video instantly made me understand it so much better. You have a great way of keeping it simple yet so effective. I was starting to feel disheartend with the fact that I hit a brick wall for the past few days and came stuck, after doing so well and coming this far, but this has lifted me! I will come to your videos FIRST as I continue grow my coding skills. Thank you once again, for helping me and so many others in this way.

  2. Probably your advice is the reason I felt so fulfilled when I discovered programming. Python was actually the first program I learned and it felt like God created it just for me. It gave me so much satisfaction.

  3. What is this? The best medicine ? 😀

    Okay! Ill try.

    create a world
    create a 3D models
    get my self in there
    make a woman
    programm so we go on a date
    have sex and love

    get intoo the real word, since i was just virtually in the virtuality that i coded

    Best cure! Now i need to go into Unity5 , use JS for the programming langauge ans start coding the word, making woman in blender and stuff 😀

    Crazy people!

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