Blender 2.66 Tutorial – The Basics of Cycles Hair

This tutorial covers the basics if creating and rendering hair in Blender 2.66/2.67.

*** Update *** – Since Blender 2.69 you no longer need to be in Experimental mode to use GPU rendering for hair.

Intro Music by Sardi (me)


34 responses to “Blender 2.66 Tutorial – The Basics of Cycles Hair”

  1. Hey Sardi Pax,thanks for all the tuts you have published and I have watched over the years.Have you done any using ver 2.79 yet? I just stated with the new ver and still getting used to the interface. Thanks again,as always,you do a great job.

  2. Hi many thanks for the great tutorial found it to be clear and fairly easy to follow although I am a total novice.
    I'm following various hair tutorials because I need to create a badger hair shaving brush and sort of building up some knowledge of creating hair. The hair on shaving brush is like an inverted cone where all the strands are vertical and really dense, as I say i'm a total newbie at Blender I'm loving the software and the tutorials online are amazing, thanks guys just need to spend time studying the Blender workings.

    Regards Mervyn

  3. Hello  Sardi Pax, I making models on the moment without hair texture.
    So it is time to go deeper in blender. Time to fix hair to my models.
    I found your tutorial and this is the one I am looking for. Everting you say seems to stick right a way in my brains and will be very usefull for farther experimenting in hair dynamics. This is a good tutorial for the basics of hair dynamics. Usefull information to learn the basics. After some experiments even featers or someting like that is possible. Piniata paper skin and lots of more different stuff is possible. Thanks for the tutorial, it really helps me quik understanding hair dynamics.

  4. I finally got it! thanks! it was thanks to you that I figured what was the problem with my hair particle system. at first I thought that it had something to do with my quads on my character's head so I made extra sure that ALL of my faces were quads(not triangles) but it still didn't work so I thought that it was some way you model the head but when I saw you pulled out a sphere and added a vertex group and when I compared it to what I did and you did I hit me_I still had mirror image and subdivide surface on so it kept making hairs all over the place. basically it was trying to mirror NOTHING. So all I have to do now is finish my character turn off the modifiers and then load up the hair.

  5. Would you be able too do a tutorial on using polygon hair. Im only 13 and trying to get too grips with blender for the movie I and my cousin are planning too make. For one the Norman show the particle system just dont fit the look… thanks! 🙂

  6. Hi J. My first thought is that you may have baked the animation before switching on dynamics and Blender hasn't recognised the change, so it's still playing back from the bake (is there a dark line on the playback bar?), also, make sure you restart the animation at frame 1 to ensure Blender recalculates. Good luck.

  7. I made a sphere and selected a single face on the sphere for my vertex group but my hair seems to shoot out from multiple nearby faces as well. I was hoping to make an eyebrow and lashes for a model I'm play.

    But this tutorial has certainly been helpful and given me some useful info. Perhaps there are other tutorials that talk a bit more about how to isolate more specific and smaller regions for hair growth.


  8. Hi Meso. The most likely reason is that you are not in 'Experimental' mode under Render settings. While Cycles hair is in development you have to switch the Feature Set from Supported to Experimental to get it to render. Good luck.

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