Blender 2.68 Super Easy Very Basic Cycles Render Tutorial

Quick Easy and very basic tutorial for absolute beginners to blender who don’t know about one of the most spectacular features in Blender the cycles render-er.


27 responses to “Blender 2.68 Super Easy Very Basic Cycles Render Tutorial”

  1. Hi, an thanks for the basics, when I enter in rendered mode, the transformation gizmo isn't on the viewport, so I cannot move a lamp and see the changes in real time, do you know how to get the transformation gizmo in rendered mode? Thanks

  2. Under render in the toolbar on the right side you had the option of CPU, GPU, etc but I only see display:image editor and feature set:supported and my rendered image looks much closer to the image on blender render that you created instead of the cycles render image. I'm not too sure why exactly because I added both planes and had the top plane emitting light. Do you know why this may be happening?

  3. I thought I needed to create some kind of special material to make quality renders, but it's great to see that there's a simpler way to make models look spectacular. Using the plane to emit light also works like a charm.

  4. This is exactly what I wanted and needed to know about cycles rendering! I was wondering why did the image turn out so grainy. Too bad I don't have a GPU so I'll just let my CPU do all the work

  5. I wish you will help me. Alrisht, o downloaded blender 2.74 and have done animation of 20th century fox intro for myself (with another words instead, only project i needed, and got from another tutorial). Turned it to the Cycles Render and wanted to change some settings. Firstly there's no samples in my panel. Second i have only CPU. and cause of these i can't speed up my rendering and it is already took 15 houres and now continiues.But it is too long and i don;t know what to do. PLEASE HELP ME I NEED THIS INTRO. +Alimayo Arango 

  6. I have done some testing and some research. First was white because it was washed out by too much light.
    Second the old materials don't seem to get the drop down menus that allow changes of shader so I think best to replace them with cycles materials.
    Thirdly not sure if should use the old style lights or use planes made into emitters.
    Forthly, found out how to switch on GPU rendering by changing user preferences. On my machine only makes about a 10% difference in speed, but I suppose that will matter when its 10 hours.
    Have just published my 3rd Blender animation and I am starting my fourth animation using Blender, I know it will be 87 seconds long, it will be called 'Trafico', rendered in cycles  and I haven't the slightest idea what is going to be in it.

  7. I thought I had an nVidea card, but I don't get that cpu option.

    I am trying cycles for the first time. I am using objects and materials appended from a previous project set-up previously with Blender render and oddly most of the colors are okay, but blue things render as white. No idea why.

  8. Thanks LL Cool J, might have to move my projects from max to blender for rendering.  This is ridiculous;y east compared to max 2011.  I did hear that vray or iray are very simple though compared to mr.

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