Blender 3D Mask Tutorial

This is my tutorial on how to track your face and apply a 3d model on you your head using Blender.

My first blender face track:


48 responses to “Blender 3D Mask Tutorial”

  1. Good tutorial I learned a few things I didn't know. The only two comments lll make to optimize this would be to use the 'b' key or 'a' key on selecting your trackers at beginning since you need them all and then when you append your model make sure the model components are proper grouped and then append the group as one operation instead of having to append 3 or 4 seperate things.

  2. thankyou for the great vid- well explained and well edited. but you can get the same effects with the blender compositor- Tom Walks has done many videos on this- colour correction, touch up, adding masks, misty lens rain effected lens etc are all doable from blender.

  3. I have a problem with lighting. When i delete the ground plane my whole image get washed out colors and lights just wont lit up the scene. And in some cases the objects I place look like masking, like the light only appear where there are objects, and the objects are transparent. I know there is something very simple I'm missing.

  4. The K1 and K2 is for the lens distorion. Every lens has a concave or convex distorion (bending at the sides) which is corrected by these values. And you don't have to use AfterEffects, you also can use the blender sequence editor and the node editor to join the pics and apply effects and filter to them.

  5. hey could you help me ?
    I'm really doing good so far, but when it comes to select the helmet and I try to deselect an object (after selecting all with "A") by right ckilcking (also twice didn't work) onto it, it only gets selected an the rest gets deselected. What have I done wrong?

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