Blender 3D / rigging: How to adjust the roll of bones in a bones chain the proper way / HD

Adjusting the roll of bones in a bones chain (called ‘armature’ in Blender 3D) is very important for the meshes correct behavior and deformation
In this quick video tutorial I’m presenting how you can adjust the roll of the bones in your rig / armature the proper way


13 responses to “Blender 3D / rigging: How to adjust the roll of bones in a bones chain the proper way / HD”

  1. Like, like, like, is complicated, good content like that video has few views and few tanned, now that lot of video junk teaching silly things and idiots on YouTube has millions of views and likes, sad, art and talent being treated as nothing, and stupid things and meaningless being treated as interesting and important things!

  2. I've never liked skeleton sketching, but might be because I don't understand it and only like doing it manually.

    But you said the roll angle on all those bones is consistent and the first is -90, and then the 3 subsequent bones are 90.

    Won't that throw things Off?

    Also, do you have any vids or knowledge on quaternions vs euler rotations and when it's important to use which?
    I understand the basic idea of gimbal lock, but never had any problems with animating (of course I've only done some basic walk/run and an attack animation so far) where I needed to consider the difference between the two. And if you can avoid gimbal lock using quaternion, why not just use that?

    I just place and pose the bones, and they just work. Why is this important?

  3. Good video, thanks for explaining a lot.

    @ 4:55 why did you want to calculate along the Z-axis as opposed to your other choices? Did you choose this axis arbitrarily or are there rules that guide what axis should be used for recalculation under specific circumstances?

  4. I thought I had lost you Peter. I couldnt find Peter Draculic anywhere ๐Ÿ™ Had there been a mix up with your surname ? Anyway I`m so pleased you`re still here as I couldnt see myself progressing as quick without your tutorials. I`m struggling a little with retopology Peter, all I can find are speed modeling tuts. If you ever decide to cover the subject Id be delighted. Keep up the great work Peter and I look forward to more of your tutorials.

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