Blender 3d Tutorial – How to Create a City Layout & 3d Buildings (Pt1) by VscorpianC

In this Blender beginner tutorial VscorpianC shows you how to use free tools (OSM2World) and open street map (OSM) data to create a city layout with 3d buildings in various shapes and heights, roads, railroad tracks, tunnels, trees, and other objects (depending on the map data that you select) then export and save the base city in the obj format for editing and texturing in b3d.

#blender3d modeling and animation program is free to download and use because it is open source software


28 responses to “Blender 3d Tutorial – How to Create a City Layout & 3d Buildings (Pt1) by VscorpianC”

  1. I noticed when trying to create a large scene, I have issues with getting to an object unless I use the zoom to object key.
    I was wondering, does this have to do with the grid scale and camera clipping? I know clipping will adjust what you see but wondering if this also effects this question on the grid as well.? if I wanted to set my grid scale to a mile. after I change my settings to imperia,l how would I change the grid scale a mile? thank you for your tutorials

  2. I am trying to teach my 10 year old grandson Blender and I can't find much in the way of tutorials. I would like help creating a very simple custom user interface and some easy videos for a 10 year old to create and hopefully animate a simple figure. I would love you to do a series of tutorials, your videos are so clear and you have the knack of spotting all the problems problems learners may have.

  3. Nice little Program. Thank you for pointing it out. Looking forward to the next video.
    I did have a problem getting the 1.9 version to run without disappearing straight away. So I downloaded the latest version and double clicked on the .jar instead. Works fine. I just I'd tell you in case anyone is having a problem with it.
    Oh, and I hope you have lovely Christmas.

  4. Wow, I had no idea such a thing existed. Lots of great, helpful tips. Have my coffee, now time to do research on this. Thanks so much for this information. ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ I've shared it!

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