Blender 3D Tutorial – How to use the Knife Tool by VscorpianC

Blender is open source software, this beginners tutorial shows how to use the new knife tool to cut mesh faces, edges and add vertex, plus bonus tips! VscorpianC

Blender is a 3D Modeling and Animation program that you can download and use freely because it is open source software.


39 responses to “Blender 3D Tutorial – How to use the Knife Tool by VscorpianC”

  1. I know this is an old post. I hope you still check on it. Tried to use the cutting Knife tool, but the Knife doesn't "see" and edge I hover on. So, when completing the cut, the cut finishes with twists in weird places.

  2. Once again Scorp Meister Flash saves Me with aTutorial. I am making a series of Tutorials on drawing a Star Trek, Star Ship for Trekyards, and I am drawing a Japanese float plane, and the Knife tool is invaluable for some of the shapes, that I have spent hours on dragging the geometry around to get shaped right.

  3. While I was cutting my mesh my knife suddenly stop working. I select one edge and when I click the next edge to cut, my previous cut disappears. Any solutions please help ?

  4. thx a lot, made me realize my mistake and now i can easily cut out shapes ! My error was that i had all vertices selected prior to the knife usage and I didnt realize that it selects the cut edges automatically.

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