Blender Beginner Tutorial – Part 3: Edit Mode

Blender beginner tutorial showing you how to use the edit mode to change the shape of any object. We’ll use it to create the donut icing 🙂
Watch Part 2:
Part 4:


49 responses to “Blender Beginner Tutorial – Part 3: Edit Mode”

  1. Great information but please try to limit the random mouse movements and navigation while you are explaining something. E.g. if you are explaining the functions of a properties pane don't wiggle the cursor all over the screen at the same time . Similarly don't keep selecting or moving objects unless related to the next step since we can't tell if the on-screen action is important or you just waving your mouse hand around while talking!

  2. I would cut the first 1:27 of this.
    Given that you still have the attention by this 3rd video, it is annoying to spend over a minute listening to "stay with me", rather than giving the actual quality content that viewers came for.

  3. What an absolutely wonderful tutorial. Andrew is delightful, concise, and even gives you small breaks to play around with the settings while he trails off on hypotheticals… I love it! 😀

  4. So been doing the donut tutorial that almost everyone does so i assume people know what im talking about. In the modifier section i put on solidify. My numbers are going in negative in order for them to go outforwards but his are going positive.. What is going on here ?_? 25:20

  5. Funniest thing is…. after all the forehead smacking, Undo/Redo is NOT included in the Shortcut Guide. Had to search the manual and write it down on a sheet of paper (I'm using iBooks instead of printing out the Guide. Haven't used a printer in years.)

  6. I've used blender before and when i went into rendered view it looked like there was all sorts of black spots and stuff on it. Im not sure if this is the flickering you talked about but i looked and i followed all the steps im pretty sure

  7. This is top-tier-teaching.

    Love how you showed the end product at the beginning,
    so I know what I'm working towards.

    Love how you cover the most important aspects,
    without it being confusing or overwhelming.

    Love the quick fun examples @ the end of each lesson.

    LOVE how you demonstrate what to do
    when two faces / lines / vertices
    occupy the same place
    & how to work around it.

    Comprehensive [for beginner level]


  8. Sir, I'm unable to select 2 points, coz every time I try by mouse left click I got the cursor, I don't know how to get this small white cross that u have on screen when selecting. Please help

  9. help! whenever i try to use the proportional falloff tool on the icing, it only effects one vertice, its no different than if i simply grabbed it and pulled, does anyone know what the problem is?

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