Blender Tutorial: Japanese Katana (Sword)

This week, learn the basics of using the anisotropic shader to make a basic sword. These techniques can be applied to make any type of blade, not just a katana.

Skill level: Basic

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42 responses to “Blender Tutorial: Japanese Katana (Sword)”

  1. Now i know this is an old video and probably nobody cares but if anyone's wondering why at 10:28 the tip of the blade is off it's because at 7:15 he merged the vertices at first instead of at center like he did with all the other vertices on the sharp side of the blade.

  2. Hey, does anyone know how to merge all the different parts of a sword for an example, so that I end up having only one object? Many tutorials do not show how to do this sadly, they just pull the parts together

  3. at 08:20 you could simply just select all the verts you want to "merge" and then hit S + Y + 0. That will Scale all the verts only on the Y axis to 0, and because you have your Pivot Point set to Median it will scale it to the exact middle.

  4. Thank you for your tutorial, it is very easy to follow even for a beginner like myself. Unfortunately there is one obstacle that I have, at 02:49 you press the G key to grab and you use your mouse wheel to scroll. I'm using a laptop to do this, to be specific a Lenovo Thinkpad. Is there any way I could scroll while using a Lenovo Thinkpad? Please reply soon.

  5. hahaha when you were doing the tip of the blade i noticed the merge to first point error. when i did it it my program i went to center and just thought "i wonder when he'll pick up on it". not two minutes did i get the "whoa, what happened here" and lost it. thanks for the laugh and great vid btw.

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