Bootstrap affix plugin


bootstrap affix tutorial
bootstrap affix scrollspy example
data-spy= affix example
bootstrap affix example
bootstrap affix sidebar example
bootstrap sidebar with affix and scrollspy
bootstrap 3 affix example
bootstrap affix demo
bootstrap affix left sidebar
bootstrap scrollspy affix
bootstrap affix offset
bootstrap affix top offset

In this video we will discuss the Bootstrap affix plugin

Link for code samples and text version of the video

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7 responses to “Bootstrap affix plugin”

  1. I'm surprised there's no mention of the changing width of the navigation menu. Also after page load, when scrolling downwards, the menu is highlighted properly. But when you reach the bottom and start to scrolling back up, the auto highlight of the menu items isn't not accurate anymore.

  2. Thanks… for the upload…just what I need atm , but urmm , I just wanted to ask if it matters whether we put the data-spy="affix" & data-offset-top="200" within the <nav> tag or inside the <ul> tag. I've tried both ways and i've not seen much of a difference , so i was wondering if one way is simply good practice?? or maybe there's a legit reason behind the tags they go into?

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