Bootstrap tutorial 17 – Navigation


In this tutorial I show you how to make a navigation in bootstrap.

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18 responses to “Bootstrap tutorial 17 – Navigation”

  1. hey! I've just made stacked nav-pills and I'm using active class into the first list item but the issue is that when ever I turn onto the other list item which is internally linked with the help of ID, my active class do not switch and even on scrolling my page it does the same .. please help me to fix this.

  2. How can I add social media links with icons in my navigation bar using flexbox. I can't add icons to links to social websites e.g twitter, Facebook etc in my navigation bar. I would be most grateful for your kind assistance

  3. I would like to make my navbar fixed, but I don't want it at the very top of the page. I tried using the code "navbar navbar-fixed-top", but no dice. I tried it both inside and outside of the container with no success. I want it under my top page banner and fixed so that when you scroll, the navbar stays in place. Any suggestions?

  4. My dropdown did not work right away after following the video, so I did this: add id="dropdownmenu" to dropdown <a>, and add aria-labelled-by="dropdownmenu" to <ul> like in the previous video. Used jQuery 2.2.4.js

  5. Great tutorial! Thank you Quentin.
    How can I make a pill navigation that drop down automatically when my mouse hover over it? Can Bootstrap do that? I'm a complete beginner. Sorry if this question is silly.

  6. Thanks for this tutorials Quentin.

    Quick question: how do i place my logo in the middle of the page and the navigation split at the left and right evenly? Thanks

  7. Thanks for the tutorials Quentin. I see you get blue font and blue buttons and a different look than I do when doing the same on my end. I think I've got all the JS/CSS file correctly included. Is the look coming from your main.css file or bootstrap look isn't applying correctly ?

  8. Thank you for tutorials! They are great!
    One question about this particular tutorial: why active button always stays blue – active, no matter what button you click? How to make button active when you click on it? Thank you!

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