Welcome to the session on Bootstrap-Grid system is used for creating page layouts which helps you to create responsive website as your according through the series of containers,rows and columns.
Bootstrap’s grid system is divided into 12 columns across the page
col1 col2 col3 col4 col5 col6 col7 col8 col9 col10 col11 col12
There are five different predefined classes for building responsive layouts and every classes have different screen resolutions.
1.xs,extra small devices like portrait phone less than 576px
2.sm,small devices like landscape phone equal to or greater than 576px
3.md,medium devices like tablet equal to or greater than 768px
4.lg,large devices like large laptop,desktop equal to or greater than 992px
5.xl,extra large devices like very big size laptop and desktop equal to or greater than 1200px
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11 responses to “Bootstrap tutorial 4 | Grid System part1 very good explained”
Nice video sir
Great work sir
Nice video… It's really help me
Good job sir…very good explained
Nice video
Thank you sir for upload nice video
Tnk u sir, I follow ur steps its very helpful for me once again thank u very much sir
Nice video..
Pls….make video..of advance excel…also