building a website – How to add a bootstrap theme to your website


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In this video i will show you a website where you can quickly add a bootstrap theme to your website when building a website.
Other websites may vary on installation but this is one of them.

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27 responses to “building a website – How to add a bootstrap theme to your website”

  1. Hi I'm using a Cosmo themed navigation bar from bootswatch. Do you know how I can expand the bar and make it responsive while fitting to the whole browser. I mean when there's a horizontal scrollbar the navbar is seen expanded

  2. Thank you! One thing to make note of here is that the minified version is the preferred option if you are not gonna make any customization to the theme. Even if you are gonna customize it, that can be arranged by allowing your custom code file to override specific aspects of the theme. The minified version is better for mobile devices and capped Internet connections. I don't mean to lecture you. You have helped me, so I am trying to return the favor. 😉

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