C++ Developer on JavaScript | So You Think You Know JavaScript in 2019?

Rachit, an ex-Software Engineer@Microsoft talks about why you should learn JS in 2019, and what are the top things that Beginner/Intermediate JS Developers Often Ignore.

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34 responses to “C++ Developer on JavaScript | So You Think You Know JavaScript in 2019?”

  1. Everyone has their own Career Path. While University Students think that Working at Google/Microsoft is victory, the real journey is just beginning.
    In today's world, we have access to information, and I feel it just needs proper direction and our willingness to work hard and be a 10x Software Engineer (I would try to be one someday).
    JavaScript is a good choice to learn in 2019 as it allows you to get access to a hell lot of opportunities – backend, frontend, desktop apps, mobile apps everything is possible.
    The main intent of the video was to interest the aspiring Software Engineers to realise the important of JS, and few concepts that would make you rethink twice whether you really do know JS or not. Its better to realize before than realizing by failing in FrontEnd/FullStack Interviews (Backend as well if you code via Node+Express).

    Few important points –
    * Class Methods are functions that belong to object i.e we can have multiple objects of same class, and change their method definitions. Think of methods as scoped per object level and not class.
    * Let and Const were introduced because they allow the variables in JS to have scope per block in which they were declared.
    * This was just a starter, there are plenty of concepts beyond the hood.

    I would be happy to watch out in the comments few things you feel are important and I missed. Also, would be great to see C++/Java/Other programmers commenting about how they feel about JS with its weirdly interesting history and concepts.

  2. Bro.. Since you work at Tower Research. Although you're in Software development. Can you pleassse give us any idea about the quantitative research field. I've heard companies like worldquant, tower research don't even consider students from non IITs.

  3. You should focus your channel on Data Structures and Algorithms, we as JS developers know these things very well . I am sure you still have a lot of ground to cover learning JS. Look for Reactive Programming/RxJS , that might interest you .

  4. Hey I am a 3rd year college student. I am learning Javascript from 1st year. All the things that you talk in the video, I was already familiar with them. But I didn't know what do to now?? How to earn some money with my web development skills???

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