how to set database as the source of auto-complete in C# How to set autocomplete feature from database mysql c# – set autocomplete in a textbox mysql sql …
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C# Tutorial 85: Textbox autocomplete with Database Values

how to set database as the source of auto-complete in C# How to set autocomplete feature from database mysql c# – set autocomplete in a textbox mysql sql …
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23 responses to “C# Tutorial 85: Textbox autocomplete with Database Values”
Thankyou so muchh
sir i found same this video on other channel is that also your channel?
Thank you so much 😃😃😃
Hello i want, How the assessment of student result if fill in the datagrid view and save to the data base. in Visual Studio 2015
This video is very helpful, thanks so much.
But… one question! If I want to autocomplete also by inputing characters contained in the middle of the strings inside the coll? For example, inputing "ohn" it should autocomplete showing "john", inputing "ill" it should autocomplete showing "jill" and "bill". I tried many way but I'm a newbie and I didn't succeed. 🙁
how to auto load gridview data in grid view table. i don't want any button for load fridview data in gridview table???
i need auto complete in urdu search
Thank u ….
Hey how to do that if the database i used is ms access tnx
muy buen aporte, gracias.
This guy doesn't sound very confident about what he is doing.
I was having a little bit of a problem with the conversion, you can try this: string variable = Convert.ToString(myReader["Name"]);
your videos saved my life!! 🙂
How to do with web application, AutoCompleteMode is not available in webapplication, could you guide me how to do this is webapplication
Just some thoughts here. You make good videos, but you take too long to pass the point over. For the 20 minutes that this video's length is, you could have made is as short as under 5 minutes. As developers we all go back to videos we saw something work whenever we need clarification and we know upfront that we should pause whenever its too fast.
This video helped me a lot to be honest, but I had to forward more than half of it because you stuck someplace for too long.
Am not against you, I just think there is a lot of room for improvements in your video presentation.
Thanks all the same.
It's good with the common TextBox, i tried with TextBoxX in DotNetBar it didn't work. Any body know why ???
ooh , you are such a life saver, I have been strugling with this for a period of time , now i managed through this video..thank you man
Very Great Video!
good job sir, thanks for your sharing. But am wondering to know if we can make DataGridView text cell filled automatically also??? i know i can use ComboBox. but i really need to do that with text cell in my project.
Hey, thanks for the great video.
How would I go about going through autocomplete when there are multiple people with the same name? if there are two "John Doe" only one of them shows up with this method.
Can you upload a video with the same Textbox search property,but with EF / LINQ? I understand the mechanism of it,but I don't know which command I should use instead of DataView for example….
dude you are a life saver, your video have helped me a lot with my project for university, dint have any previous programming knowledge before getting into university. i was just good at repairing PC but after watching yours tutorial i have come to understand most of it. i still have issue with the code but the logic is there, heck even my teacher asked wtf i was watching that i learning so fast xD.
thx once again for this tutorials.
Would be so nice if it was possible to get back to an ID value of the selected item.