Category: Blog

  • How to build your own maker workbench

    [ad_1] Maker projects can be tough if you don’t have a good workspace. For a long time, mine was an ESD mat on the dining room table. But as my projects (and family) grew, I was under increased pressure to find somewhere else to work. Really, the 3D printer is what put my wife over the…

  • Top 5 open source web servers

    [ad_1] Statistics show us that well over 80% of web applications and websites are powered by open source web servers. In this article, I look at the most popular open source web servers, and briefly review their history, technology, features, and more. I will also provide some tips so you can easily deploy one of the popular…

  • Making documentation easy with Read the Docs

    [ad_1] In the Doc Dish column, we often have focused on writing documentation, but that’s not the whole story. For what shall it profit a writer if they write the whole document and have no readers? Once documentation is written, it must get in front of the user so to be read. For anything beyond…

  • Building an open medical records system for the developing world

    [ad_1] How do you introduce a woman whose very life is the epitome of humanitarian efficacy? Judy Gichoya is a Kenyan medical doctor specializing in radiology and an experienced programmer who’s accelerating the growth of OpenMRS. According to its website, “OpenMRS is a software platform and a reference application which enables design of a customized…

  • How collaborative should I be during strategic planning?

    [ad_1] The short answer is: very collaborative. Strategic planning requires hearing from all levels of the organization; leaders, managers, co-workers, and employees. And at the end of the day, key stakeholders have to agree on the final mission, vision, and a set of objectives to align around and track priorities. When more stakeholders have input…

  • How to fire yourself: A founder's dilemma

    [ad_1] “Grant, would you rather see your ideas implemented, or be the one who tries to implement them—but who never has time to finish even one of them, much less the majority of them?” Those cogent words, paraphrased from ex-Entagen and current Systemhouse CEO Chris Bouton, a long-time friend, really struck a nerve. At the…

  • 5 steps for making community decisions without consensus

    [ad_1] Healthy open source communities usually include a wide range of people with different ideologies, goals, values, and points of view—from anarchists to CEOs of major corporations. The normal approach for making decisions that affect the entire community should be an attempt to reach consensus through discussion; however, what if you’re attempting to make a…

  • Ansible as a gateway to DevOps in the cloud

    [ad_1] I have a confession to make—although the word “cloud” is in my job title, there was a time when I used to think it was all buzzwords, hype, and vapor, with no substance. Eventually, Ansible became my gateway to the cloud. In this article, I’ll provide an introduction to DevOps with Ansible. Before Ansible…

  • Let's Encrypt: Why create a free, automated, and open CA?

    [ad_1] During the summer of 2012, Eric Rescorla and I decided to start a Certificate Authority (CA). A CA acts as a third-party to issue digital certificates, which certify public keys for certificate holders. The free, automated, and open CA we envisioned, which came to be called Let’s Encrypt, has been built and is now…

  • Godot open source game engine helps power the future in West Virginia

    [ad_1] Responding to a critical need for skilled technology and knowledge workers, the State of West Virginia recently established its first ever coding, app, and game design curriculum for its schools. Starting in the upcoming school year, students will be able to learn the skills required to design, implement, and release their own games, and…