Coding Challenge #5: Space Invaders in JavaScript with p5.js

In this viewer submitted Coding Challenge, I take on the task of coding a Space Invaders game to play in browser in JavaScript/HTML and the p5.js library.

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38 responses to “Coding Challenge #5: Space Invaders in JavaScript with p5.js”

  1. I think it would be better if you create an array with a fixed number of drops (like 10) and just placing it where you want where you press space, instead of creating and destroying objects constantly.

    Great videos, I really like your channel!

  2. I gotta say I love our style of programming, your methodical and extremely well versed in programming nuances. My question is where did you learn to program and do you have an tips for the self-teacher, I understand the basics of coding, not language specific. like I know functions and OOP, but lack the needed skills to just sit down and code out something off the top of my head your way…so in short how did you get where you are.

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