In this tutorial you will learn how to set up a mySQL database in cPanel. I cover, the three steps of creating a database, creating a user, and assigning the user to …
cPanel beginner tutorial 6 – How to set up a database

In this tutorial you will learn how to set up a mySQL database in cPanel. I cover, the three steps of creating a database, creating a user, and assigning the user to …
12 responses to “cPanel beginner tutorial 6 – How to set up a database”
hi. how about i already have my own database? can i upload it?
Quentin i love you ! YOU ARE KING ! THANK YOU
i have taken full cpanel backup, i was having problem with website so i
was deleting public_html. but by mistake i deleted complete cpanel. now i
trying to restore it getting error "Your PHP installation appears to be
missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress.". i had
restored separately home directory and mysql.
nyc video but i cant shown contact database from my uploaded website.
it follows that, which part i used database that all part i doesnt show in my site…..
The biggest problem about tutorials nowadays is that everyone talks way to damn much about stupid shit. We don't want or need your opinions or life story just teach the damn thing.
Spent about 5 minutes on this channel.
4 minutes watching this crap and 1 minute to write this in response of your crap.
Good day.
thanks sir,
Nice video helped me to setup the server bought from
Hey Quentin, u really improving your tutorial production with that little music at the end
Like it and thanks for this Cpanel one.
Hey, do you have any idea why I don´t have the "DATABASES" section in my cPanel? Only Files, Domain, Email, etc, etc.
Thanks for this video . It was helpful for configure on a cPanel server rented from datasoft
this tutorial was fantastic… but i have one problem, Hope you will reply..
lets say i have create above steps which is shown in video. like create database DB, and an user, user.
so now if i want to make connection to database, like mysqli_connect () function how to do that .. can you solve my querry ????
Hi Quentin
I've been an avid follower of your videos for quite some time (HTML, CSS and now cPanel
Really enjoy your videos, especially since it's local.
Would you mind if I made reference (and add links) to your videos on my Company page, LinkedIn and Facebook profile?
My Company supports small businesses with Computer Literacy Training (and other services) and your videos have awesome content that could really be of value to them.
Thank you, this really helped me. I had to rewatch it twice after going trough the entire cPanel tutorial series, but I'm pretty slow so it couldn't be helped.