Creative Beauty Photos You Can Make Using Common Objects


The price of photography accessories can add up very quickly, but with a little creativity and just a few random objects from around the house, you can create unique and compelling photos while saving a lot of money. This fantastic video tutorial will show you how to create great beauty shots using random objects you probably have around your house. 

Coming to you from Kayleigh June, this great video tutorial will show you how you can create interesting beauty shots using random objects from around your home or studio. The thing I love about this sort of work is that it relies less on using extreme or expensive equipment and instead forces you to tap into your inner creativity. Not only does this save you money, it also helps you to build a repertoire of ideas and techniques that you can rely on. And what is great about this is that you do not have to use the objects used in the video. Grab a wide range of objects from around your house or studio and spend an hour or two seeing what sort of results you can get. Check out the video above for the full rundown from June. 


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