In this video we will learn about:
1. Using basic template Bootstrap framework
2. Create a new stylesheet css
3. Using the navigation bar component
4. Change the background color navigation bar Bootstrap
5. Change the font menus navigation bar Bootstrap
6. Setting the menu float Bootstrap Framework
Oke guys, just watch a video. Enjoy!
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24 responses to “Customize Navbar Bootstrap Tutorial”
bagaimana cara mengatur tinggi navbar
Thanks for the video, man! This definitely helped me out.
I do not understand clearly grouping, and the use of > sign if would you mind to say a few words. also recommendation of books would be useful. thank you
Hi how do you customise li active
Thank you so much. This was a great help! 🙂
Thanks for your good tutorial!!! best reguards Tobi
Nice tutorial buddy basic and easy Keep up the good work.!!
You need to clear your pronunciation of English language
This was too bad
Thank you so much this saved me alot of time
terimakasih banyak bang,.. bnyak ilmu dri channel ini
Klo pengen menu nya centered (rata kanan/kiri) gimana?
thank you thank you – take fluid off the nav bar to bring the text in a bit…..bootstrap kills me.
How can I change the menu button from the right side to the left ?
Thanks, this information. Thank you.
i don't know why :v ntaps lah..
love the way you speak😂
Mas, kalo mau bikin navbarnya gaada background dan nyatu sama slider kaya gini gimana?
how to make navbar like this https://blackrockdigital.github.io/startbootstrap-agency/
my css file does not work unless i delete navbar-default in the class part this is my code:
<nav class="main-navbar navbar navbar-default">
now my custom class is "main-navbar" however it dose not change it or show the change unless i delete "nabber-default" why is that happening?
Did you find a way to change the color around the home button (element with class="active")?
1.how can I increase the height of the navbar 2. the logo overflows the height of the navbar.
how can i fix that…
I'm attempting to have different heights for my navbar based on the width of the navbar. (60px for min-width 768, 90px for min-width 992, and 120px for minwidth 1200)
How would you approach that?