Delphi programming tutorial Android and MySQL Conncection example

Delphi programming tutorial Android and MySQL Conncection example.

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12 responses to “Delphi programming tutorial Android and MySQL Conncection example”

  1. Offtopic: Is there any practical reason implementing direct connection to a DB from Android app? AFAIK, standard Delphi DB components are designed to connect to DB directly requiring a reliable not breaking network, which is not practical in mobile Android devices because of not reliable mobile network connection. Suppose, you fetch some data on wifi, then go out of wifi range, switch to mobile network, but then such mobile app would lose connection to DB while switching from wifi to mobile and SQLConnection component will have to reconnect. Meaning, that all previously loaded dataset's will have to refetch the data. Which is totally inefficient. Or do I miss the point somewhere?

  2. I have found how to fix the probleme :
    DBX Error: Driver could not be properly initialized. Client library may be missing, not installed properly, of the wrong version, or the driver may be missing from the system path..
    if you want the solution just ask me ;p

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