Do You Still Need bootstrap in 2017? (Saturday Bonus)


It’s 2017 do we still need bootstrap? I would say no we don’t need it. The only thing that is great and I still use it everyday is the grid.

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30 responses to “Do You Still Need bootstrap in 2017? (Saturday Bonus)”

  1. i spend more time looking for shortcuts and then trying to figure out what just happened using bootstrap… iam going back to basics and learning html css… bootstrap 4 has just confused me even more…

  2. You can say that any framework is "just for prototyping" because likely you won't need EVERYTHING from ANY ONE framework and you CAN manually build only the pieces that you do need.

    That said, while Bootstrap can be used for prototyping, it's crazy to say it's "just for prototyping". It offers too much useful functionality that you can use at literally every stage, from prototyping to production code. Also, this functionality you just can't duplicate easily and with the same quality. You do that, you'd be wasting time building your own framework instead of building your own product.

    Long story short, while you may not need Bootstrap or any other similar framework, if you want a reasonably good quality product in a reasonable amount time, you should strongly consider using one.

  3. Yes, we still use bootstrap in almost every client. You know why? DEMAND FROM THE CLIENTS. 95% always ask to do it in TWBT and then WP. That's that and if you really understand how powerful tw. bootstrap is, its not just the grid, its the whole package. Here's a scenario, who do you think will finish the project first. One who use bootstrap or the one who just use plain or manual html5/css3?

    – Timeframe to finish: < 20mins
    – 5 Static Basic Pages
    – Features in some pages > Slider(for header or wherever), Form(contact or lead gen forms), dropdown(for navs), Modal(Images or a form), accordion(for FAQ).
    – Basic Minimalism design
    – At least backwards compatible(crossbrowser) to most browsers – esp. bootstrap 4.

    To the one who says, Bootstrap and Flexbox are redundant. Well, say hello to bootstrap 4, where flexbox runs flawlessly with the grid system. Check out the documentation of Bootstrap 4.

    Problem with Bootstrap, too much unused classes? No problem. Run GRUNT or GULP with UNCSS and you're good to go.
    Here –

  4. Codephase, these kind of video's are exactly the ones, your serious audience like's from you. Hmm and like another poster already mentioned. You really look like a coding gangster!!!

  5. Totally Agree,
    except for the grip,
    media query are simple to set and like the previous comment with Flexbox you don't really need the grid too,

    I just post this comment 2 days ago on a bootstrap fan post,

    Not a Fan,for me, the BIGGEST Problem for me is that by using
    it, your placing Styling in the HTML (with the class names), and then you
    modify some specific property in a separate .sass file, you also have
    the _variable.sass where you can override some global value and maybe
    you also got yourself a global .sass, loll
    so to resume you can have
    styling across too many different places and I didn't speak of the margin
    or padding that's get added out of nowhere (well from bootstrap)me I prefer having 1 Global sass where I can place all my mixins and variable
    1 sass per page/component for styling that page so I know where to look
    when I need to modify something even the way to call sass variable and
    mixins tell me where to look…
    and I talk about component because its
    also easier to make a component that contains all that they need for them
    self this way, not bind to external data/styleand as for the functionality across browser, a pre-process (grunt or else) will do it automatically

  6. just like you i use bootstrap only for the grid system , rest of the templet are useless and i realy hate to tape "!important" after each line of css when i try to costumize something while using bootstrap x)

  7. God video bro. I was wondering what to do with Bootstrap. I'm using the grid for it now and running SASS with it to compile out my sites. Can you make a video on how you approach site stand up with SASS or even LESS?

  8. Loving the channel ๐Ÿ˜ quick question for a semi noob. If you were developing a site for local businesses to be found on a map (using google maps api) which programming language is the best ? I want to develop my skills by doing projects that push me.

  9. bootstrap can be fun to use but Im not one to really take too many shortcuts honestly. I tend to try and make everything from scratch. But bootstrap is still good to have in your back pocket if youre applying for jobs. not many but some mention bootstrap knowledge required.

  10. Great Content Bro! I like the nice shot with you filming outside. The edit on this one is really nice with the jump cuts and lower thirds too. You cleared up a lot for me in this video because I was wondering the same thing as I'm learning.

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