Easy steps for connecting remotely to AWS RDS database using MYSQL Workbench for a Django app. Please leave a like if you enjoyed this video.
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Easy tutorial for connecting remotely to AWS RDS database using MYSQL Workbench

Easy steps for connecting remotely to AWS RDS database using MYSQL Workbench for a Django app. Please leave a like if you enjoyed this video.
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10 responses to “Easy tutorial for connecting remotely to AWS RDS database using MYSQL Workbench”
Perfect! I was having significant issues connecting until I saw this video. I sooooo much appreciate your effort to make the MySQL Workbench connection an easy process.
Thank you!
thanks a lot. very useful
Sweet. Thanks. I was stuck on this for days
what is that ec2-user supposed to be? do we have to write that too?
thanks so much for this tutorial , im an AWS noob and your video made it very clear waht to do.
"Instance is not associated with a key pair"
Thank you man!
Wow! This was really helpful.
Clarity in voice and lovely pace.