ES6 JavaScript – The Basics

This video contains parts of my complete ES6 JavaScript Bootcamp Course on Udemy, which is available for $14:

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28 responses to “ES6 JavaScript – The Basics”

  1. Thanks a lot! Really, really great introduction to ES6 additions 🙂

    Some of this stuff is awesome; can't wait for ES6 to become standardised so we can use it without a transpiler.

  2. Excellent. And IMO here's why.
    In this bio, MAXIMILIAN writes, "As a self-taught developer …. " and "As a self-taught professional…"
    Self taught folks are more pragmatic than college taught IMO. There's a lot of "religion" and "tech worship" that emanates from tech studied at college. Code is simply there to do a job, not be worshiped like many tekkies do.

    32:00 this changing value based on the function called syntax used. => vs. function ()
    This sounds exactly like code worship! What was the ES6 gang thinking. => is sometimes just replacer syntax for function call, sometimes it alters the this content.

  3. Hi .. I am getting below message when using the fat arrow function in JSBIN in Mozilla..
    "arrow function synta=>()" is available in ES6(use esnext option) or Mozilla js Extension(use moz).. what to do ?

  4. Great video man, thank you very much. I have one question. At 30:50, when I click on the button I get:
    This is what I get in the console when I run locally. But when I run on jsbin. com, I get exactly what you get. Am I missing something ?

  5. It is easy to use for…of to get elements but it is problem because if you have an array of elements that is made of numbers and 1 string or object, then whole output becomes a string output. When I tried making output with it on array that had 2 numbers and 1 object in it, my elements became strings on output.
    So the question would be, use it but not on mixed arrays ?

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