ES6 Javascript Tutorial For Beginners | ES6 Crash Course
This is a crash course of all the new features in javascript (ES6). We are going to take a look at all the new features, we will be writing
all the code in old vanilla javascript and then we will refactor everything to ES6.
This course covers topics like arrow functions, the difference between a normal function and arrow functions, why not to use var and switch to
const and let variables, object deconstruction, default parameters, switching from constructor functions to classes, promises and more.
I highly reccomend you take this course if you are a bit familiar with javascript and you want to learn all the modern features available
in ES6, also known as ECMA Script 2015.
Things covered in this video:
– let and const variables
– arrow functions
– concatination
– classes
– destructuring
– default parameters
– object literals
– forEach, map and filter
Materials used in this video:
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LAKEY INSPIRED – Me 2 (Feat. Julian Avila)
Music By:
Dj Quads
Track Name: “Every Morning”
Music By: Dj Quads @
Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported— CC BY-SA 3.0…
Original source
26 responses to “ES6 Javascript Tutorial For Beginners | ES6 Crash Course”
do you have a guide how to get node running in teh vsCode terminal?
Do you use python?
can I learn vue.js with old javascript code?
really helpful thanks
Do I need to learn vanilla is first
In ES6 I think that the notation is called pascal Notation when you start with the capital
A promising channel indeed.
Keep up the good work.
That was greate… Thanks Ed.
Thank you bro!
I learnt and had fun
keep up bro, awesome videos
The REAL dev ED and ED back at it again with the scripts on node.
Good job.
=> Look forward to node and express in the future.
Oh , Es6 easier .
thanks man in Time this course come
I'm only about 15 mins in and really enjoying this thank you
Awesome video as always

Keep it up..
Dev what about async/await?WIll it be other video in future?
All the new features seem pretty good and thought out. I still use var quite a bit.
Now do an advanced javascript course with real world examples xD
Any chance to know your vscode theme?
Btw good video as usually
i want to make project form Javascripts
Perfect lesson, thanks Ed.
You know, I just work with that's…. More simple
es6 in node
Very helpful thanks!
Hey why video quality upto 360p ?
Let me know which one is your favorite feature from ES6!