ExpressJS Crash Course

NodeJS and ExpressJS front to back. In this course we will look at the following concepts… Express Installation & Setup Middleware Routing Template Engines …

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48 responses to “ExpressJS Crash Course”

  1. so if we put the html, css and js files for the front end in the public folder we can consider that as an example of client-side rendering of the website / app and that will be static and if we render views from the server however, it'll be an example of server -side rendering and that'll be dynamic. am I right? Can somebody please clarify?

  2. I did some basic course assignments with node.js and express but my understanding wasn't clear….I am about to do another assignment after many many days and now this video is helpful to sharpen my understanding of basic things.

  3. Excellent tutorial! I've had a hard time understanding some of the other tutorials out there, but yours are always clear and well thought-out. I especially like that you get us to build everything from scratch rather than use a tool to generate all of the starting code. It makes it easier for beginners to fully understand the foundations on which they will build.

  4. Brad,
    At 1:10:37 you say "are these IDs the same…? No, they're different." They actually are the same. I was following this tutorial to build an app for a class, and… yeah, the IDs are the same. It was confusing the hell out of me because Delete always works on the first entry in the list… The jQuery selector seems to be targeting the first element in the DOM with the class name you specified.

  5. The best crash course on Nodejs in Youtube! Really.
    I watched the entire video, programmed all the code together and the results were the same of the video.
    I made some notes and now I'm feeling that I'm understanding what's going on.

    Brad thanks a lot. Every time I don't get something in the programming world, I come here and watch a tutorial from yours.
    You are saving lifes, brother!

  6. In JavaScript,what is the difference between:
    function() vs () =>
    I'm just curious because in most of my react and express code I generally stay away from function() but it seems like it is the same exact thing as () =>

  7. This is the best nodejs video I have seen so far. You have great skills making it look very very simple to learn. Thanks for the video. I am very confident now and got feeling that I learnt end-end nodejs mongodb express web application

  8. How do you fix the "Error: Argument passed in must be a single String of 12 bytes or a string of 24 hex characters.
    ". It seems to work if you put in an individual ObjectId. e.g 'db.users.remove({_id: ObjectId('123123324234')}, function(err, result){' and if you put no arguments, the entire databse gets removed. eg. "db.users.remove({_id: ObjectId()}, function(err, result){". What code do u need to put for it to delete the 'selected' user/row.

  9. Good afternoon Mr. Brad nice video. Btw my problem is express-validator on errors is not working, seems like any errors in this script already i type right now. I'm already used express-validation v5.2.0. Any solutions please. Thanks in advance Mr. Brad and sorry about my bad English lol ๐Ÿ˜€

  10. at 1:14:40 I think the Jquery isn't redirecting from the .done() block of xhr because you didn't return any response from the app.js. Upon successful deletion, you could have done something like res.send({success:true}) and then check like if(response.success) inside the .done() block in Jquery.
    PS: I know it's a little (almost 2 years) late but I have just watched this video.
    PPS: I am new to your channel and I absolutely love what you teach and the way you teach. Thank you Mr Traversy!

  11. PSA:
    " app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'bin'))); " needs to be AFTER this line
    " app.get('/', function (req, res) {
    }); "
    //IDK why but flipping the order that was shown in video made it work for me ( i got a lot of shitty code in my file)

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