Facial Animation Cartoony Maya Rigging Tutorial Part 2 of 2


How to rig a cartoon character’s face in Maya using on-screen facial sliders and set driven key to drive simple facial geometry. Part 1 covers using an up and down slider to make the character’s upper eyelids blink, and using a 4 way slider to get the brows to go up and down, plus rotate inward and outward. Part 2 shows how to make a nurbs curve mouth, an have a 4 way slider make it open, close, and go wide and narrow by using blend shapes.


2 responses to “Facial Animation Cartoony Maya Rigging Tutorial Part 2 of 2”

  1. Hello. Those on screen sliders are from Jason Osipa's book "Stop Staring: Facial Modeling and Animation Done Right." You can make your own by creating a locator, parenting a polygon that is 1 unit wide by 1 unit tall and templated in it's display options (so it just shows up as an outline, and isn't selectable), then make a small nurbs circle for the control object, which you also parent to the locator. Scale up the locator to make it as large as you'd like it to be.

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