Flask Tutorial – 7. Implementing Authentication In Flask with Flask-Security

This video is sponsored by DevMountain Coding Bootcamp https://goo.gl/P4vgKS https://www.patreon.com/chrishawkes Description: New to Python?

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17 responses to “Flask Tutorial – 7. Implementing Authentication In Flask with Flask-Security”

  1. Hey @Chris Hawkes and others, I ran into a runtime error while trying to log into the system with the first generated user. The error says, RuntimeError: The configuration value `SECURITY_PASSWORD_SALT` must not be None when the value of `SECURITY_PASSWORD_HASH` is set to "bcrypt" .

    I'm stuck here, any help will be appreciated 🙂

  2. What is the best way to implement Authentication with LDAP (Active Directory)? There are so many modules that all seem similar but have very little documentation, eg. flask simpleldap, flask ldap, ldap. I'm currently lost on implementing LDAP!

  3. Chris,

    I have a question that doesn't directly relate to your video, but because you have .NET expertise I felt you could shed some light on something as I also come from .NET (database engineer) who's trying to learn Python-Flask for web applications.

    I was tinkering with Python-Flask-SQLite and couldn't find the .NET equivalent of output parameters or stored procs. Is there something related for SQLite?

    It appears Python-Flask-Postgres has DB functionality for output parameters/resultsets that .NET has, unless I'm mistaken as well.

  4. Question, any idea where the "builtin" routes (I guess they are routes?) for '/login' & '/logout' are defined or how they work? If not, don't spend any time looking. I'm cloning packages & searching for them now.

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