Generating Dynamic PDFs With CSS In Flask – Bootstrap Example


In the first video, I just showed you how to generate plain PDF files with no styling. In this video, I’ll continue by showing you how to include CSS within your PDF file to make it look much better.

You’ll be using the Python library called PDFKit to do this. Also, I’ll take a Bootstrap example and convert it to a PDF.

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Watch the first video here:

To download a Flask cheat sheet, go here:

Documentation for PDFKit and wkhtmltopdf:

Original source

10 responses to “Generating Dynamic PDFs With CSS In Flask – Bootstrap Example”

  1. Thanks, it works perfectly without CSS.
    Unfortunately, with styling i get an Internal Server Error. 🙁

    Errors.log : IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'main.css'

  2. IOError: No wkhtmltopdf executable found: "C:Program Fileswkhtmltopdfinwkhtmltopdf"
    If this file exists please check that this process can read it. Otherwise please install wkhtmltopdf –
    Old friend, any idea?
    my code:

    @app.route('/user/<string:username>/curriculum', methods=['GET'])
    def curriculum(username):
    rendered = render_template('user/pdfcv.html')

    path_wkthmltopdf = 'C:Program Fileswkhtmltopdfbinwkhtmltopdf.exe'
    config = pdfkit.configuration(wkhtmltopdf=path_wkthmltopdf)
    #pdfkit.from_url(url='', output_path=pdffilepath,configuration=config)
    pdf = pdfkit.from_string(rendered, False, config=config)

    response = make_response(pdf)
    response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/pdf'
    response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = 'inline; filename=output.pdf'

    return response

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